Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

Gross domestic product (GDP) is a monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period, often annually.

GDP defination

The OECD defines GDP as "an aggregate measure of production equal to the sum of the gross values added of all resident and institutional units engaged in production (plus any taxes, and minus any subsidies, on products not included in the value of their outputs)." An IMF publication states that "GDP measures the monetary value of final goods and services—that are bought by the final user—produced in a country in a given period of time (say a quarter or a year)."
Total GDP can also be broken down into the contribution of each industry or sector of the economy. The ratio of GDP to the total population of the region is the per capita GDP and the same is called Mean Standard of Living. GDP is considered the "world's most powerful statistical indicator of national development and progress".
Information got from Wiki Pedia

[1]"Finance & Development". Finance & Development | F&D. Retrieved 2019-02-23.
[2]"Gross Domestic Product | U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)". Retrieved 2019-02-23.
[3]Hall, Mary. "What Is Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)?". Investopedia. Retrieved 2019-02-23.
[4]"OECD". Retrieved 14 August 2014.
[5]Callen, Tim. "Gross Domestic Product: An Economy's All". IMF. Retrieved 3 June 2016.
[6]Dawson, Graham (2006). Economics and Economic Change. FT / Prentice Hall. p. 205. ISBN 0-273-69351-4.
[7]Lepenies, Philipp (2016). The Power of a Single Number: A Political History of GDP. New York: Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-17510-4.

Average GDP of 10 countries from 2011 to 2016 (in billion)
Correlation between GDP/Capita and Education expenditure/Capita

Calculating the correlation between the GDP/Capita and Education expenditure/Capita, we got the R square = 0.92, which means the correlation between them is pretty high.

Correlation between GDP/Capita and Healthcare expenditure/Capita

Calculating the correlation between the GDP/Capita and Healthcare expenditure/Capita, we got the R square = 0.87, which means the correlation between them is high.

Correlation between GDP/Capita and Military expenditure/Capita

Calculating the correlation between the GDP/Capita and Military expenditure/Capita, we got the R square = 0.64, which is lower than the other two expenditures.

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